Welcome Leaflet

Steeple Aston Parish Council has published a Welcome Leaflet for new arrivals in the village. It includes a detailed map and lots of useful information. Of course there’s lots more to find on this website too!

Village Emergency Telephone System (VETS)

01869 690691

Defibrillator on the wall

Imagine you are at home when your partner or spouse suffers a sudden cardiac arrest. Call the emergency services and ask to speak to the Ambulance Service. They will automatically despatch an ambulance to you, and give you instructions on how to perform CPR (chest compressions).

If appropriate, the 999 call-taker will then call the Village Emergency Telephone System. A volunteer will then bring a defibrillator to you. This will greatly increase the patient’s chances of survival.

The VETS number connects simultaneously with ten volunteers in the village. When a volunteer picks up, they will be told where the defibrillator is needed. They will collect it from the cabinet by the Sports and Recreation Building or the Red Lion pub, and bring it to you. If they arrive before the ambulance, you can open up the defibrillator together, and follow the spoken instructions.

If someone else is with you, you can ask them to call the VETS number and say where a defibrillator is needed. But if you are on your own, DO NOT STOP GIVING CPR to make a phone call.

In a case of cardiac arrest, call the emergency services on 999.

The special bees of Steeple Aston

Local beekeeper Paul Honigmann is keen to conserve our rather special local bees. If you see a swarm in the village or nearbyy, please contact him on 01869 340665 or  07512 224700.

He writes:

I have lived in the village for over 30 years and kept bees for around half that time. Observing insects has made me much more aware of our local environment and changing patterns throughout the year.

swarm on churchRight now, all the pollinators are feasting on nectar, and bringing home pollen (protein and fats) for their growing young. Their activity has been stepping up as days lengthen and the weather warms. Around now it is getting into full swing as the plants offer up more food; and towards the end of Spring, we can expect swarms of honeybees looking for new homes.

Steeple Aston is in many ways an ideal environment for insects due to the abundance of food – trees, plants, hedges – and wild nesting sites in old trees, crumbling buildings and walls. Whenever you walk around the village, in spring and summer, look up and along the edges of the roofs of our older houses. There against the brightness of the sky you may see activity as the bees come and go from their home (they can reside in some of these old cavities for many generations, causing no problems and often without being noticed at all). I know of and monitor around 10 wild bee nests within the village as part of a citizen science project, so am always interested to hear of more.

But you may notice that, like songbirds, there are far fewer insects around than a decade or two ago. I once found eleven wasp nests within 100 meters of my house, but I’d only expect one or two now. Climate change has disrupted weather, tricking insects out of hibernation before nectar and pollen is available or killing them with unseasonal cold snaps.

Have you heard that 2024 was the worst ever for bumblebees? Animals require predictable seasons; and while the climate is a more intractable problem, we can help our local pollinators by making insect friendly garden environments and in particular reducing pesticide use. There’s no such thing as bee-friendly insecticides or lawn treatments: they’re all broad-spectrum and many modern ones persist in soil for years. Try to avoid them, but if you have to use them, avoid spraying plants when in flower.

However, despite all of the above, our village honeybees are generally doing better than average. This may be because we have our own local ecotype, the Cotswold Bee. This landrace is well adapted to the area and is in tune with the local forage patterns, and so it has extra resilience – for example by the Queen adjusting her laying rate in tune with local forage availability. These adaptations mean they have avoided being overrun by imported “pure bred”commercial strains, and are now attracting interest as a “survivor population” untroubled by the pests decimating larger managed commercial colonies. We are lucky to have them.

So, in addition to monitoring wild nests, I am also involved in conserving this Cotswold Bee landrace, by catching swarms emanating from wild nests and propagating their tough ‘survivor’ genes. If you notice a swarm of bees in the village or general area, please let me know on 01869 340665 or  07512 224700.

Paul Honigmann  SA Beekeeper, coordinator of the Oxfordshire Natural Beekeeping Groupauthor of The Observant Beekeeper

Forthcoming road closures

Water Lane in Steeple Aston will be closed on Wednesday, 23rd April from 9.30am to 3.30pm. This is for a CCTV survey of the drainage network.

For more information contact Leo Rossiter on 07990542432 or email leo@benchmarkpermits.co.uk

Part of Fenway will be closed to facilitate pole testing on Bank Holiday Monday, 2nd June between 9.30am and 3.30pm. The closure will be between the junction with Water Lane and the entrance to Grange Park.

For more  information contact Caitlin Curry at Sunbelt Rentals UK Ltd on email surveys@sunbeltrentals.co.uk

Red Lion bottle banks gone

The bottle banks in the Red Lion car park have been removed. The removal is at the request of the landlord of The Red Lion, but some local residents had also asked for them to be moved.

Cherwell District Council have confirmed that the bottle banks in the Village Hall car park in Fir Lane are adequate for a village our size.  If they become full too quickly, the Parish Clerk Cathy Fleet will let the council know and they will increase the frequency of emptying.

In case of problems, contact Cathy on  07989 398 838 or email: parishclerk.steepleaston@gmail.com

New Red Lion Opening Hours and Menus

The Red Lion pub has published new menus and opening hours from March 2025.

The restaurant will now be open every day except Monday. A new feature is a two course lunch for £16.50 available from Tuesday – Saturday, see below.

New Opening Hours

New Menus


Two courses for £16.50, available lunchtimes Tuesday to Saturday

Soup of the day

Beetroot Carpaccio

Salt and pepper squid

Minute steak, fries, garlic butter and house salad

Chicken schnitzel, fries and house salad

Cauliflower, spinach and chickpea curry, jasmine rice

Creme brulée

Chocolate brownie, salted caramel ice cream

Ice cream selection

Steeple Aston Annual Quiz Night 2025

winning quiz team

Village Hall Chair, Barbara Brewer writes:

Once again the Village Hall Committee organised a thoroughly enjoyable Quiz evening on Saturday, 18th January.

Ten teams with a maximum of eight to a table took part in the fun with names ranging from “Highly Questionable” and Veterans +1. Perhaps next year there should be a prize for the most creative team name?

As usual the teams went to town providing a wide and interesting variety of food and nibbles to keep them going during the evening. A bar was also available to serve liquid refreshments to all. Thanks go to Debbie and John for running the bar.

This year the quiz was devised and led by Carl Tomlinson and Ian Hart.

Questions and conundrums challenging the teams included:

* What’s unusual about the Henley on Todd regatta which takes place near Alice Springs?

Answer: It is raced in a dry river bed with the competitors running in their bottomless boats. In 1993 the event was cancelled due to there being water in the river.

* What is the difference, in hours and minutes, between the longest and shortest days in Oxford to within 15 minutes either way.

Answer: 8hrs 54mins.

As usual the evening was rounded off with the presentation of the trophy and bottles of wine to the winning team – “Grange Park Guinea Pigs” – with a score of 73. Pictured above, they are (l to r) Anna, Helen, Hilary, Dennis, Nick, Dean, John and seated Lorna.

The Village Hall committee was grateful to receive donations of some generous raffle prizes donated by Holt Hotel, Red Lion, Holt Garage. Wines, hamper and sweets. (anonymous)

Thanks go to all who participated, not forgetting the Village Hall committee who organised this event.

Handbell collection 2024

We are delighted to announce that thanks to your generosity to our Christmas handbell collection we raised £1794.72. This will be split 50/50 between the British Heart Foundation and Steeple Aston Church roof appeal. Villagers donating via our Just giving page also had the chance to gift aid their donation – this gave an extra £46.50 to BHF, which is wonderful.

Thank you for your continued support and warm welcome. Very much appreciated on a cold evening.

If you fancy having a go for next Christmas, please get in touch. You don’t need to be able to read music, but being familiar with the carols is a benefit. With members from age 10 to 80+ everyone is welcome.

Thanks Vicky Clifton (Handbell Captain)


Village archive launches new website

Steeple Aston Village Archive (SAVA) has recently unveiled its new website: http://www.steepleastonarchive.org.uk/
Explore the fascinating history behind our local community, with access to a plethora of photographs, documents, maps, artefacts and memorabilia; historical articles featured in SAL; a series of publications (with revised editions), CDs and informative walks bringing the
past to life. Why not delve into the archives and discover the traditions and stories surrounding our village.

Or call in to see us at the History Centre, next to the Village Hall on Fir Lane on Saturday mornings between 10am-12 noon.

Children’s Christmas Art Competition

The winner of Steeple Aston Life’s Children’s Christmas Art Competition was eight-year-old Rose Williams, a pupil at Dr Radcliffe’s School. Her painting appeared on the cover of the December issue of the magazine.

Local art teacher Niki Thomas, who runs weekly art classes at Middle Aston House, was the competition judge. She said, “I chose this one because not only is beautifully drawn and full of colour, it has a sense of community about it and is designed well for the cover of a magazine, it has interesting intriguing details.

Niki said, “The entries were all so good it was difficult to choose a winner. All of them would make beautiful Christmas Cards. It has been a pleasure to judge these wonderful paintings, thank you for taking part in the competition.” 

Here are the other entries and Niki’s comments on them:

Ted Butcher, age 9
‘This one is beautifully delicate , and has a super Christmassy feel to it.’

James Monroe, age 8
‘I love how , the shapes of the tree, fire etc have been so carefully placed in this design.’

Isobel Coysh, age 7
‘This one has also been carefully thought about. The montage has worked well.’

Imogen Coker, age 5
‘Wow this has such stunning bright colours, and fills me full of joy.’
Henry Monroe, age 11
‘So original and such a fun drawing.’
Edward Austin, age 7
‘I love this very much too , especially with the nativity theme and the use of the Folly image, which makes the design unique to the village. This would make a fantastic Christmas Card for the village.’


It has taken a few months for us to complete the formal registration of Steeple and Middle Aston Community Land Trust as a Community Benefit Society, open a bank account, and create a website.

At last we are ready to launch membership of the Trust, which you can do by visiting the new website www.steepleandmiddleastonclt.org.uk and submitting the on-line membership application form. We hope the website provides all the information needed to make that decision. Documents available to view include the report on the results of the recent housing needs survey carried out in our parishes.

Once we’ve received your application form we will contact you and request a minimum payment of £1 to receive your share certificate. We will initially be relying on donations to build up funds necessary for our administration, so we will also be seeking your generosity as additions to the minimum payment.

We hope as many local people, and other supporters of the need for affordable housing for our community, will join and become members.

We look forward to receiving your application form.

Best wishes from

the Board members of Steeple and Middle Aston CLT


Middle Aston House open to locals, but no dogs

From Middle Aston House
Sometimes we will have a large event on or will close early. But in general, if the gates are open, then the locals are more than welcome to come up and have a walk/drink etc. Unfortunately we are no longer dog friendly though.



Church roof appeal


New Chair for Horticultural Society 

Vicky Clifton, Show Secretary for the Steeple Aston and Middle Aston Horticultural Society, reports on the AGM:

We are pleased to announce the appointment of a new chair person, as Rebecca Lewin steps in to the role. Our thanks go to Graham Clifton, who stood in to guide us for 12 months following Richard Preston’s promotion to president. We say good bye and thank you to Caroline Parsons and Janet Coley who step down from the general committee but continue to support us as vice presidents. 

Reports from all officers highlighted another really sucessful year. Two well attended shows. The Summer Show was a spectacular example of the ideal show day. Over 800 exhibits, from 114 exhibitors, approx 900 people on the field and the weather played its part too!! Oh and some happy doggies as well. What more could you want.

2025 will soon be with us, look out for the schedule in January, and hopefully our own website at some point next year too.

Thanks to all those that take part and make it happen

September 2024

Local poet publishes prize-winning collection

front cover of poetry book

Villager John White has recently won the iOTA Shot 2023 Poetry Pamphlet competition. His collection, entitled ‘Attachments’, will be published on 10th June by Templar Poetry.

John, who originally comes from County Derry, lives at Palmer House on Southside and works at a special needs school in Oxford. He gained a distinction in the Oxford Master’s degree in Creative Writing.

He plans to hold a launch event in the village, and one in Oxford, in the Autumn. Meanwhile you can listen to some of his poems and purchase his pamphlet on his publisher’s website.


Come and play badminton



Village Hall AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Steeple Aston Village Hall management committee was held on the 13th May 2024. The full committee is listed below, showing which group they represent.

Barbara Brewer Tuesday Badminton (Chair)
Margaret Bulleyment Choral society (Secretary)
John White (Treasurer)
Alison Moran Thursday Badminton
Deborah Morris WI
Sally Cooper Village Rep
Torquil McLusky SRT Co-ordinator
TBN Village Rep
Chris Clarke PCC
Stuart Cummins Archive
Richard Preston Valentine Club
John Coley Garden Club

In the next few months the committee will be deciding on a programme of events for the forthcoming year. If there is a specific event you would like to see in the programme or if you have any new ideas, please contact Barbara Brewer on 01869  340423 or any committee member.

See more on the Village Hall website.

Steeple Aston Light Railway

Graham Porcas writes:

Last year I set up and ran my 5” gauge miniature railway at several village events on Robinson’s Close which I gather was much enjoyed by many youngsters and some not so young from the village and surrounding areas.

It was such a success that I have been asked to do it again and make this a regular part of village events which I am more than happy to. Building and running these miniature steam engines is my hobby and although it takes quite some time and effort to set up a temporary track each time, roughly a day to set up and another half a day to dismantle, it is a great pleasure for me especially as I may be encouraging
some future engineers to take an interest in mechanical engineering.

I am required to take out special insurance to run trains on Robinson’s Close, this is very specific and outside the realms of the usual policies used by the Parish Council and other village organisations so I have to arrange this at my own expense. Last year the PC was kind enough to reimburse me and I was hoping they would do so again this year but they refused my application on the grounds that as an individual I am not entitled to such support!

I’m still trying to work out the logic behind this decision but the obvious conclusion is to form a special interest group so that I am
no longer just an individual.

So I would like to start a club:- The Steeple Aston Light Railway.

Anyone interested is welcome to join, no age limit, upper or lower; but an interest in steam engines, learning how to drive them, or simply taking part in the joys of riding. behind a steam engine would be useful. Or just to support me to continue with
running days at village events.

Please contact me directly grahamporcas@btconnect.com or 01869347240.




Steeple Aston’s environmental impact – and what we can do to reduce it

Environmental Impact Report for Steeple Aston.

From Carl Tomlinson – Chair, Steeple Aston Parish Council ESC:

The Environmental and Sustainability Committee (ESC) recently reviewed a report which indicated – in broad terms – the carbon footprint of our community. The report was prepared using a methodology developed at the University of Exeter.

It’s perhaps no surprise to read that our carbon footprint appears to be over 30 per cent higher than the national average. We are a relatively affluent community, in a rural setting, with some fairly old housing stock. This means greater opportunities for long distance travel, fewer opportunities to use public transport, and higher consumption of energy for heating.

The report breaks down the carbon footprint into four areas, which I list below in descending order of impact.

  • Consumption of goods and services
  • Travel
  • Housing
  • Food and diet

It goes on to suggest areas in which we can mitigate our impact. I’ve summarized these below with a few thoughts of my own.

Consumption of goods and services

All goods that we buy have carbon emitted in their manufacture, packaging, shipping, and sale. Every new product increases carbon emissions (and more resources are extracted and sourced – which itself can have huge environmental and social impacts). Reducing how many new goods we buy in the first place reduces goods-related emissions as does re-using and repairing items.

When we have to buy new, we can reduce the carbon emissions by considering how much of the product has been, and can be, recycled. We can look to minimize packaging by buying in bulk if budget and space permit this, or by teaming up with neighbours to buy in bulk. All of us appreciate the convenience of next-day delivery, those vans don’t run on fresh air.


On a business trip recently, I was invited to ‘contribute’ £2.50 to British Airway’s research into sustainable aviation fuel. Barefaced cheek from a wealthy corporate, or legitimate consciousness raising? Electric cars are coming our way but – if the planning authorities continue to have a veto on the installation of solar panels in conservation areas – many residents of the village will be denied the opportunity to fuel these vehicles cleanly. The S4 struggling to get past cars parked on South Side is our problem in a nutshell.

 We must all square on own consciences in these vexed areas, but we can all lobby for better public transport. And we can all make our roads safe for pedestrians and cyclists to use. 


We live in a beautiful part of the world. Many of the homes in the village lie in a conservation area. Some are listed. Is our bargain with future generations the preservation of a particular view which a small committee once deemed inviolate, or the protection of the planet our grandchildren will inhabit? These two aims need not be mutually exclusive but we must decide which to prioritize, and lobby our representatives accordingly.

In the average UK home, 64% of energy is used for space heating. The ESC has a thermal camera which many residents have used to identify how heat escapes from their homes. Please contact SteepleAstonESC@outlook.com if you would like to use it.

Food and drink

Research shows us that changing what we eat will have a greater impact on carbon emissions than changing where our food has travelled from – although, of course, eating locally-produced food brings multiple other benefits such as supporting local businesses. Ruth Dale has produced an excellent summary of local producers.

Many of us who grow food will have gluts in the summer and hopefully we will find ways of sharing, rather than composting, them. But this is a drop in the ocean compared to the 22 percent of food which is wasted in the UK. That’s enough to feed everyone for nearly three months. Even a small change in buying and use habits will reduce this scandalous level and save money into the bargain. How much food (and carbon, and money) goes in your bin every week?

This is of necessity a snapshot of a very thought-provoking report, and the views I express above are my own. I hope you’ll take a few moments to read the report and form your views.

Environmental Impact Report for Steeple Aston.

Locally Produced Food – Suppliers within reach of Steeple Aston

This information has been researched by the Steeple Aston Environment and Sustainability Committee.



01869 347702

Soil Association registered organic box scheme

Weekly organic vegetable box also supplying fruit, eggs, bread, etc.

There is the possibility of home delivery and/or collection points





Organic pasteurised, unhomogenised milk; yoghourt; cream; ice cream

Organic home reared beef, veal and lamb. Also eggs and Forgehouse Bakery Bread.

Weekly deliveries or collection points: Order online





Producing high health and welfare beef, lamb and rare breed pork



Park Farm, Middleton Stoney OX25 4AL


Open first weekend of every month.

Home reared pork, lamb, beef and free range eggs

Also provide bread; seasonal vegetables; jams chutneys and honey




Fourth Saturday each month 9.00am-12.30pm

Over 40 stalls offering local produce including bread, eggs, fish, meat, vegetables

Fruit, flowers, beer, preserves and much more!




forgehousebakery@btinternet.com tel: 07584 666561

Home-baked sourdough bread, pastries,etc.

Pre-order Saturday – Thursday for collection Fridays (see website for details)



Email: whpspray@gmail.com

Rare breed lamb, will deliver



fenemorefarms@gmail.com. tel: 07917 795207

Provide lamb; eggs; honey; fruit and vegetables

Open daily (sign on main road from Deddington to Clifton)




Local village apple juice



Rectory Farm, Cassington OX29 4SU tel: 07710 634631


Comprehensive food shop with in house sourdough bakery and restaurant.

Spring 2023

Parish Path Warden appointed

Steeple Aston now has a Parish Path Warden to keep an eye on our footpaths. Greg Elphick. has volunteered to take on the role which involves walking all the local footpaths at least twice a year. He will take his secateurs with him to prune overgrowing vegetation and ensure that signposts and waymarks are kept clean. He will report more serious problems to Oxfordshire County Council’s Countryside Access Team.

The Parish Path Warden scheme is run by the Ramblers’ Association in association with the county council. Around 80 per cent of villages in Oxfordshire have their own warden.

Greg is pictured here in the centre with his hedgecutter and his faithful companion Poppy, the sprocker spaniel. They were part of a recent work party on a path in Alkerton that had become almost impassable due to brambles and self-seeding trees.

Greg says. “Such work parties cover the wider local area, not just Steeple Aston. They are needed only a few times a year as most paths get well used and any issues usually get sorted before a work party is deemed necessary.

“Obviously, I will be checking all our paths myself but invite any villagers to contact me if I’ve missed something.” Email greggles1262@gmail.com or call 07891 760176.



Steeple Aston Thermal Camera Project

From Claire Coysh, on behalf of the Environment and Sustainability Committee:

There are conflicting ideas on what we should be doing to protect the environment, people have different perspectives on mankind’s relationship with nature, concerns about the seriousness of climate change and what is actually helpful. Insulating your home however, is a no brainer. There are multiple benefits (taken from focusonenergy.com):

Lower energy costs – If your home has poor insulation and air leaks, you could be spending 15% more than you need to on heating and cooling. It also means extra wear and tear on your heating system and air conditioner. Proper insulation and air sealing is the best way to prevent wasted energy and keep your home and energy bill in a comfortable, happy place.

Comfort – Insulation helps your home stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter, so you don’t have to crank up your heating or cooling system to the max just to get by.

Noise – Insulation might not block everything out, but it definitely absorbs sound and can help make your home a quieter place to relax.

Environmental Impact – Saving energy benefits your home, community and the environment. Improving your insulation is one of the best steps you can take to make a difference in terms of your home’s energy performance and carbon footprint.

Thermal camera house imageResale Value – Being able to tell prospective buyers that top-quality insulation is already in place and lowering the home’s operating costs can be a real selling point.

A thermal image of the outside surface of a house can show areas which are conducting heat from the inside to the outside of the house, helping to identify: Draughts, missing insulation, poor or broken window seals, poorly insulated windows.

The Steeple Aston Environment and Sustainability Committee have purchased a reconditioned thermal camera (FLIR C2), kindly funded by Sustainable Steeple. This camera is available for villagers to borrow to take thermal images of their home. We have put together a guide on how to interpret the images.

Thermal cameraCold (less than 5°C), frosty and dry weather is the best weather for thermal imaging (the temperature difference between inside and outside should be at least 10-15°C). From when we bought the camera (February 2023) we ran a pilot project, loaning the camera to 20 houses in the village. Feedback from the pilot project was very positive. Villagers found it easy to use and helpful to identify and/or confirm areas of insulation in their home they needed to improve.

We are now gathering details of anyone who would like to be on the list to use the camera this winter. It’s very weather dependent, but it might be cold enough to start using the camera in another month or so. To be added to the list, please email me at steepleastonESC@outlook.com

Conservation Area Appraisal

Much of Steeple Aston is a Conservation Area containing many listed houses. This means that any changes, such as the building of new houses  or alterations to existing buildings are subject to  particular scrutiny and regulation.

The village’s Conservation Area was first designated in 1988. A Conservation Area is defined as “an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.”

More recently there was a Conservation Area Appraisal  which was was the subject of public consultation. It is a detailed report describing the village and its development and making recommendations for future maintenance of the area and its historic buildings.

It says that since its adoption by Cherwell District Council in April 2014, it is “a material consideration in the determination of planning applications within the Conservation Area and its setting.”

The appraisal says: “In order to protect the special environment, stricter controls exist within the Conservation Areas, restricting the kinds of alterations to domestic properties that may be carried out without specific planning permissions

“With all proposals for development and the display of advertisements in a Conservation Area, greater care is necessary to ensure that schemes enhance and preserve the area’s special character.”

Conservation Area Appraisal

Church collecting for Banbury Food Bank

From Martin Dale:
All of us are deeply aware of the need for food banks from the King himself down! In the past our parish church made a collection for the food bank. However, this ceased when the church was shut during Covid. Now the need has become ever greater, we have decided to try to make the church a collection hub within the village once more. For us this is initially a Christmas effort but we intend to keep this going for as long as necessary.

The system is simple: if people would like to donate non perishable foodstuffs and hygiene items in the box at the back of the church we will make sure that these items are delivered regularly on an ongoing basis to Banbury Foodbank. We took the harvest offerings to this food bank run by the Trussell Trust. It is very well organised. They have a network of food banks and inter foodbank transport to get the food to where it’s needed most. So one banks surplus is another’s necessity.

We look forward to taking your donations to them. Thankyou!

Join a local Art Class

Niki Thomas holds an Art Class every Wednesday Morning at Middle Aston House from 10.00am until 1.00pm. Here is one example of Niki’s work.

For more details of the class, please contact Niki on: nikithomasartist@gmail.com

Please support The Valentine Club

The Valentine Club is the village’s very popular over-60s club. All meetings and outings have had to be cancelled because of coronavirus. The cancellation of their annual jumble sale and the inability to raise funds via monthly raffles means the Cherwell Lottery is their only way of raising funds.

In addition to the usual prizes every week there is the opportunity to win a short break with the draw taking place at the end of October. Anyone can purchase lottery tickets and the process is very simple. Just follow the steps as described on the Cherwell Lottery website 

Hopefully, once this pandemic has disappeared, this funding will enable the club to move forward and bring some happiness to the slightly older generation living in our village.


Give a dog a bad name!

We’d just like you to know that almost all the fouling on our village streets comes from wild animals. After all, we do live in the country! We’ve investigated this issue thoroughly with the help of Cherwell Council’s dog warden. So, please, don’t always blame the dogs and dog walkers in the village. It’s probably not them messing up our streets. It’s most likely foxes. Or maybe badgers or muntjac.

What should you do if you see some poo?
Please just pick it up in a suitable plastic bag and pop it in a street-side bin or a green bin. Bags are available free from the Village Shop. Dog walkers often pick up scat that their dogs are not responsible for. Give them a hand. You will be helping to keep the village clean and you may stop someone putting their foot in it.

And if you do see a dog walker not picking up?
We think this is unlikely, but if you do … report it to the dog warden at https://www.cherwellandsouthnorthants.gov.uk/xfp/form/347?council=cdc or on 01295 227007. He will take action against anyone found not picking up.
Thank you.

Steeple Aston Parish Council

Potholes Reminder

Just a reminder that Steeple Aston has a FixMyStreet SuperUser. This means we have a fast track method of getting potholes filled as long as they meet the relevant criteria in terms of size, depth etc., and they are within the 30 mile an hour limit.

If you report a pothole direct to the Parish Clerk (parishclerk.steepleaston@gmail.com or 01869 347000), she will pass on the details to our SuperUser, who can contact the Highways contractors, without going through FixMyStreet. The system has been in place for a while now and works well.

The Parish Council


Help for victims of crime or abuse

Being a victim or a witness of a crime can be an emotional and difficult time.

Victims First provides free emotional and practical support to all victims and witnesses of crime or abuse, as well as family members of victims. It is available across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire and can provide help regardless of whether or not the crime has been reported to the police.

A Victims First Officer can discuss any emotional or practical needs you may have and work with you to put a tailored support plan in place. This could involve referring you to a specialist service such as services for victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse.

The type of assistance available includes telephone and face to face support, advocacy including help to access other services such as sexual health clinics, drug and alcohol services and legal services, support through the criminal justice system (if you have reported the crime to the police) and therapeutic counselling.

A Young Victims Service is also available to anyone under 18 and works with young people to help them cope with the effects of crime.

To speak to a Victims First Officer about any of the services and to receive support please call 0300 1234 148.

You can also find more information or make a referral for support online at www.victims-first.org.uk

Live Well in Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire County Council has an online directory of over 2,000 (and growing) support services across the county to help residents live better.

Live Well Oxfordshire has been developed by Oxfordshire County Council in partnership with Age UK Oxfordshire and Affinity Works. The directory has been designed to bring together information about groups and organisations offering services for adults with a variety of needs in one place.

It includes categories such as looking after someone, keeping fit and well, finding a care home, help with life events and many more.

To go to the directory, please click here.

Essential repairs grant available

Cherwell District Council is offering an essential repairs grant to help vulnerable people, which covers, for example:
. Replacing a defective door or window
. Roof repairs
. Minor electrical works

You may be eligible if you meet the following criteria:
1. You have owned your home for at least three years and
2. You are eligible for a means tested benefit, and /or a tax credit with a household income below a set level and
3. You are over 60 years of age or in receipt of child benefit for a child living with you.

For more details contact:
Private Sector Housing Team
Cherwell District Council
Bodicote House
OX15 4AA
Tel. 01295 227004 or visit www.cherwell.gov.uk

Calling all parents and grandparents

• Are you a good listener?
• Do you enjoy being with young children?
• Could you spare 2 – 3 hours per week?
• Would you be interested in becoming a volunteer with Home-Start?
• Volunteering provides excellent experience for a CV

Home-Start Oxford and Bicester is a local charity which supports families with at least one child under five years of age. They have been doing so for over 20 years and in that time have been a lifeline to thousands of families in need.

Their volunteers offer regular support, friendship and practical help to local families under stress in their own homes, helping to prevent family crisis and breakdown.

For more information please contact Sarah Harvey on 01869 349990, email her on sarah@homestart-oxford.org.uk or view their website: http://www.home-startoxford.org.uk


Have YOU ever thought about FOSTERING?

PACT LogoThere is a recognised shortage of 10,000 Foster Carers in the UK. PACT, founded in 1911, is also known as the Oxford Diocesan Council for Social Work inc. We are a registered charity working to improve life chances for children. The focus of our work is within Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire and aims to build and strengthen families.

We are an approved Adoption and Fostering Agency. We have a history of finding safe, loving families for children in care. Here are a few facts about Fostering:

1. Did you know you don’t have to be married to become a Foster Carer?
2. You don’t have to have children already although you do need to have experience of caring for children.
3. Did you know you get paid a Fostering Allowance of £335.70 a week to be a Foster Carer which is tax free and won’t affect any other benefits?
4. Most of the children who need fostering are known as ‘hard to place’ children, they will usually be 8+ years of age.

Fostering is a hard but very rewarding job. If you think you might have what it takes to become a Permanent Foster Carer or you want to find out more then contact PACT now on 0800 731 1845 e-mail fostering@pactcharity.org


Katharine House Hospice Lottery

Support your local hospice lottery for just £1 a week.

Over £100,000 is raised every year.

Every week there is a first prize of £1,000 plus:
2 x £100 prizes
2 x £50 prizes
5 x £20 prizes
10 x £10 prizes

Fundraising and Lottery Office
Katharine House Hospice
East End
OX17 3NL
Tel: 01295 816484
Email : fundraising@khh.org.uk

Or download an application form from their website: www.khh.org.uk

Registered Charity No. 297099