Horticultural Society
Garden Club
Steeple Aston Church Allotments Association

The Horticultural Society

The Horticultural Society has been established in Steeple and Middle Aston for well over 100 years. It organises two shows each year. The first is the Spring Show, usually staged during March and the second is the Annual Flower Show held every August Bank Holiday Monday in a marquee on the recreation field and in the Village Hall.

There are classes for all skills and abilities from flower arranging to photography, classes for children, cookery and handicraft and, of course, flowers and vegetables.

The Annual Show also incorporates a Fun Dog Show, entertainment for all ages, stalls and some superb teas. It is without doubt, the largest and best show to be found in North Oxfordshire.

People of all ages and skills are encouraged to enter the shows. Contact Vicky for more information.

2025 Summer Show schedule

2025 Summer Show entry form

2024 Summer Show Results


For tips on preparing preserves for shows, please click here.

Read the Horticultural Society’s Privacy Policy.

Vicky Clifton, Show Secretary
Tel: 07817 025948
Email: vmcstedman@btinternet.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Steeple-Aston-Middle-Aston-Horticultural-Society-1266250533387466/


Steeple Aston Garden Club

Steeple Aston Garden Club is an extremely friendly and active group that has been in existence for seven years. In the winter they meet on the third Tuesday of each month (except December) in the Village Hall at 7.45 for 8pm. They have speakers on a diverse range of subjects, some with slides, some not. The talks range from plant hunting, pruning, garden visiting, to question and answer sessions, quizzes and a wide range of other garden related topics.

In the summer months of May, June and July they visit gardens usually by special arrangement. They generally drive themselves but there are occasional coach trips. They don’t generally meet in August or September.

Membership is open to all; no skills are required, just an interest in gardening and gardens. The cost of membership is £10 per household per year, but there may be additional charges for garden visits. They will be delighted to welcome new members. To join the club, just turn up to a meeting, or phone Richard.

For reports of recent meetings and visits, please click here.

Richard Preston, Chairman
Tel: 01869 340512
Email: richard.preston5@btopenworld.com
Chris Clarke, Secretary
Tel: 01869 347192
Email: steepleclarkes@btinternet.com
Anne Bonwick, Treasurer
Tel: 01869 347430


Steeple Aston Church Allotment Association (SACAA)   

We manage Steeple Aston’s longest surviving Allotment site on behalf of the Parish Council.

The setting is in the shadow of the Church tower and has lovely views towards the Rousham Folly, a wonderful place for contemplation as well as weeding.

We are fortunate to have water on site, a communal cabin for gatherings and communal orchards.

Our aims as an Association are:

To promote the interests and use of the Church Allotments.

To work with other gardening associations and develop greater bio diversity throughout the site.

The plots come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are worked by a thriving, friendly and enthusiastic green fingered community.

From time to time we organise fund raising events to help maintain and develop the site and social gatherings to enable us to come together and swap stories over our crop successes or ideas for what to do with that glut of veg.

Annual rent is £44 for a full plot, and a minimum of £22 a part plot, the rent currently includes water charges. 

If you would like to grow your own fruit, vegetables and flowers with the added benefit of fresh air, home grown produce and healthy exercise please contact our Clerk.

Amanda Rodgers
Email: sacaaclerk@gmail.com


SACAA Legal Documents

SACAA Tenancy Agreement

SACAA Allotment application form

SACAA Temporary Structures Terms & Conditions

SACAA Bonfire Guidelines

SACAA HSE Guidelines

SACAA Risk Assessment


Allotment Life
