Steeple Aston to remember with a poppy cascade

From the Poppy Committee:

“This year we shall be remembering 80 years since the end of the Second World War. A small group of us thought it would be a good idea to get together to create a commemorative cascade of poppies tumbling from the church tower.

“So how many poppies have you made? It’s great to report that many people are enthusiastically supporting the project and are promising to make poppies – people from the church, the WI, the Valentine club, members of SACs and the Brownies are some of the groups we know about. That’s terrific but we are going to need a great many poppies!

“Please keep going or get started if you haven’t yet produced a poppy!

“There will be the First Great Poppy Count at the end of February to check how we are getting on. Please make sure you have delivered as many poppies as possible into the box in church by then. We’ll let you know how much progress there has been!”


The members of the Poppy Committee are Kay Francis, Hildy Frenken, Merrill Bayley and Eileen Baglin-Jones.

The WI got started making poppies before Christmas. The photo above shows samples of the various styles of poppies made so far by members. They were on show at their January meeting – woolly ones, fluffy ones and even some felt ones.

Why not have a go at making your own poppies? There are no rules except that the poppies must be red with a black centre.  If you need them, there are patterns in the box in the church plus some wool and knitting needles. And if you need more wool, ask Merrill Bayley from the WI on 01869 347802 or email merrill.bayley@gmail.com.